Reasonable Adjustments (RA)

Eligible candidates who live with a disability, mental health, or health-related need and those who are neurodiverse can apply for reasonable adjustments to support them to sit the test. Reasonable Adjustments are reasonable changes made to the test conditions to ensure that candidates with a disability or health-related need can participate on the same basis as their peers. They are determined on an individualised basis with reference to supporting documentation provided. 

Reasonable adjustments allow candidates the opportunity to demonstrate their true abilities in an assessment. NOTE: The provision of reasonable adjustments is different from special consideration which is a post-test adjustment to test results. Please note that no special consideration can be given to candidates’ results for this test. 

If you are unsure, we recommend you submit an application. All requests are assessed on a case-by-case basis and all reasonable efforts will be made to provide you with support and appropriate testing conditions for your needs.  

NOTE: Reasonable adjustments made available to you by your university are not automatically granted for the test. 

Any request for reasonable adjustments must contain supporting documentation as outlined in the ACER Documentation Requirements – Guidelines for Reasonable Adjustments

List of common reasonable adjustments 

The table below shows some common adjustments that have been granted for the test. This list is non-exhaustive. Other adjustments can also be granted.     

Reasonable adjustment category


Change in presentation format of test
Larger fonts or print format 
Written list of instructions 
Vary the font size on screen by zooming in/out
Modification in the way a candidate completes a test 
Text-to-speech software 
Allow a candidate to undertake a test in a different environment 
Preferential seating 
Separate test room 
Use special lighting 
Use of Irlen Spectral Filters 
Use of colour overlay 
Permission to take blood glucose testing kit and insulin 
Permission to take medication 
Permission to take food/drink 
Permission to stand and stretch
Timing and scheduling 
Change to when and how long a candidate has to complete a test 
Extended time to complete a test 
Rest breaks

When to apply  

An application for reasonable adjustments can only be made after you have completed your test registration. Please submit your application as soon as possible after registering for the relevant test window to allow sufficient time to review your application and implement any adjustments granted.  

Your application (together with your supporting documentation) must be submitted by the registration closing date for the relevant test window.   

Please note that any application submitted or adjustment granted for a previous test window does not carry over between test windows. You will need to submit a new application for each test window. Each application is unique and, as such, is assessed individually against ACER guidelines and on the basis of the medical and/or educational assessments and recommendations provided with your application.  

2025 reasonable adjustment deadlines 

Test Window 

RA Application Deadline 

2025 Window 1

5:00pm AEDT 21 January 2025

2025 Window 2

5:00pm AEST 14 April 2025

2025 Window 3 5:00pm AEST 14 July 2025
2025 Window 4 5:00pm AEDT 6 October 2025


For disabilities or other conditions that become apparent after the registration closing date for the relevant test window, please contact the Teacher Test Office immediately for advice. 

How to apply and additional information 

Applications for reasonable adjustments (together with supporting documentation) can only be made via your online ACER candidate account after completing a test registration.  

There are general requirements all supporting documentation must meet, and there are additional requirements for documentation relevant to mental health and/or neurodevelopmental conditions.  

All supporting documentation requirements can be found in the ACER Documentation Requirements – Guidelines for Reasonable Adjustments

You can ask your medical practitioner to complete this form in full. Please note that the supporting documentation requirements outlined in the guidelines also apply to this form. Additional documentation may be needed in order to meet all requirements.  

Test Accessibility  

The content, delivery platform and navigation of the Literacy and Numeracy Tests for Initial Teacher Education Students comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the Australian Government.  

ACER provides accessible test forms designed to be used by candidates who use a screen reader.  Candidates with low vision and/ or who use a screen reader should request the accessible test forms when submitting their reasonable adjustments application to ACER.  Please submit supporting documentation with your application.  

In order to be equivalent to the standard test forms, the accessible test forms must contain questions that are also on the standard test forms. While some of the available questions contain visual elements, only questions where the information in the elements can be conveyed using alternative text have been selected. For example, a column graph is accompanied by the table of the data used to construct the graph. The table is readable by a screen reader. 

NOTE: Design and delivery of accessible test forms have been audited by an independent vision consultant.  

Assistance Animals 

Candidates with a condition that requires the support of an assistance animal must submit the relevant medical documentation and the animal’s registration details with your application and adhere to the application deadline. 

Please note: For the health and well-being of all who attend the test centre, without a prior ACER-approved reasonable adjustment, ACER cannot guarantee a candidate accompanied by an assistance animal will be able to attend the test. 

Assessment and outcome of RA applications 

Your application will be considered in accordance with ACER procedures and guidelines. A notification email will be sent to you once your application has been processed. ACER will also email you if any further information or supporting documentation is required for your application. 

Changes in the date, time and location for your test session or/and delivery mode may be required to allow ACER to provide the granted adjustments. 

ACER will contact you to make alternative arrangements if necessary. 

Test Integrity and Reasonable Adjustments 

Please note that as the integrity of the assessment process needs to be maintained in any reasonable adjustment, it may not be possible to provide all the adjustments requested in the application. 

Reasonable adjustments are provided to support candidates to undertake the test on an equitable basis with peers and must not confer any advantage over other candidates sitting the assessment under standard conditions.  

As the test is computer-based, difficulties with writing will not normally be seen as grounds for granting reasonable adjustments. 

Review Process for Reasonable Adjustments  

If you consider your approved adjustments to be not appropriate, you can request a review of your adjustments in writing to ACER. This request must be lodged no later than one week after the registration closing date for the relevant test window.  
The 2025 test window deadlines to request a review of your granted adjustments are: 

Test Window 

RA Review Application Deadline 

RA Review Outcome Notification 

2025 Window 1

5:00pm AEDT 28 January 2025

31 January 2025

2025 Window 2

5:00pm AEST 21 April 2025

24 April 2025 

2025 Window 3 5:00pm AEST 21 July 2025 24 July 2025
2025 Window 4 5:00pm AEDT 13 October 2025 16 October 2025


There is no possibility of special consideration being given to test results. In no circumstances can scores be adjusted to account for any perceived disadvantage after the test has been sat. 

If you have a pre-existing disability (as per the definition as outlined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992) which has only recently been diagnosed, or where new or further medical information has only become available to you after your last test attempt, please contact ACER in writing


All information regarding reasonable adjustments will be treated confidentially in accordance with the Privacy Statement and the ACER Privacy Policy